Wood Like Tile Mistakes to Avoid 0
There are many benefits to using tile over hardwood but to make sure it looks as real as possible make sure to follow these tips.
Grout Lines. Real hardwood floors do not require grout. Use the smallest grout line possible with your tile. A 1/8” grout line is most commonly used and recommended. Next, make sure you use the correct color grout. If the grout matches the tile it will be harder to notice. The wrong color (too light or too dark) will not blend as easily.
Layout. Every hardwood plank has its own unique look, tile does not. Make sure you alternate the patterns, so boards with the same graining are not next to each other. This will make the tile look more like hardwood.
Following these simple tips will help your wood like tile look more like hardwood.
- Jenna FM
How Tile is Rated for Water Absorption 0
Water absorption is tested by boiling the tile in water and then measuring how much weight it gained from when it was dry. There are four different ratings.
Non-vitreous is low density. Tile with water absorption of more than 7.0 percent.
Semi-vitreous is medium density. Tile with water absorption of more than 3.0 percent but not more than 7.0 percent.
Vitreous is high density. Tile with water absorption of more than .50 percent but not more than 3.0 percent.
Impervious is extremely dense. Tile with water absorption of 0.5 percent or less.
- Jenna FM
Shade Variation 0
Shade variation is a rating system to tell the varying degree of the color, tone and texture among the individual tiles. Porcelain and ceramic have some degree of shade variation even in the same production run.
The scale runs from V1 to V4. The lower the number the lower the lower the difference between pieces of the same production run. The higher the number the higher the difference in color between pieces. The lower the number the more uniform the finish installation will look. For a unique, one of a kind, dramatic look choose a higher number.
- Jenna FM
Porcelain Enamel Institute (PEI) 0
Porcelain Enamel Institute (PEI) will tell you where the tile can be installed. The scale ranges between 1 and 5. The lower the number the less foot traffic the tile can handle. These tiles are good for the wall not for under foot. The higher the number the harder and denser the tile. These tiles are good for the floor and can handle heavy foot traffic.
- Jenna FM
Mixed Tile Trend 0
One of the biggest tile trends of 2019 is the mixed tile trend. This trend is mixing texture, shape, design, color and patterns. Not only are the patterns and design of the tiles being mixed but the pattern and the design of the installation itself is getting mixed up. This will add a uniqueness to your home. With so many different options the possibilities are endless.
- Jenna FM
Real Stone vs Stone Veneer 0
What is the different between real stone and stone veneer?
Real stone is just that, it is real limestone, sandstone or granite. Stone Veneer is a man-made product that is produced to look like a certain stone. Stone veneer are normally made from concrete that has been pressed in a mold. They use iron oxides to help mimic the look of real stone.
- Jenna FM